Does not require an internet connection.Khmer, Kinyarwanda, Konkani, Korean, Krio, Kurdish (Kurmanji), Kurdish (Sorani). Find definitions, spelling and word suggestions in this searchable dictionary. English to Mizo Dictionary to get meaning of English words in Mizo.Instantly look up accurate and extensive definitions and meanings.Professionally designed to be easy to read and understand.

Take a look at the screenshots to get an idea! The database of this Dictionary project started in 1993 and has been improving ever since. exe file and select Troubleshoot Compatibility. Step 2: Right click on Orkida Dictionary. This revolutionary technique will help you to understand the meaning of words better. Step 1: Download Okida English Khmer Dictionary and save it on your computer. This is not simply because of the fact that it contains far more words that a conventional paper dictionary, but because it uses a radically new approach and technology. This dictionary can help foreigners learning Khmer and is also of use to Cambodians learning English. Providing concise definitions as a quick guide to meaning, the application helps users on matters such as spelling and usage. It is the largest English-Khmer Dictionary for iPhone, iPod Touch and has the most comprehensive content with a fast, intuitive interface. This dictionary application delivers the most trusted reference content available. This is a great resource, and is official. Support: write us an email with any question or need help. Download the Chuon Nath Dictionary for Khmer for PC in unicode. Welcome your comments and feedback at Note: To use this app you'll have Khmer Keyboard installed, if you don't have one, you can find it at AppStore using keyword "Khmer Keyboard". Khmer Dictionary is the latest English to Khmer dictionary for iPad and iPhone which is built from scratch based on the data from popular English Khmer Dictionary book, 9th edition released in 2015 and the use of its data in under licensed from the author. * Does not require an internet connection. Download English to Khmer Dictionary and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. * Find definitions, spelling and word suggestions * Instantly look up accurate and extensive definitions and meanings.

* Professionally designed to be easy to read and understand. It is one of the largest Khmer-English Dictionary and has the most comprehensive content with a fast, intuitive interface, the application helps users on matters such as spelling and usage. Browse its impressive library definitions with a search as you type view! Simply begin typing Khmer word and watch the results window filter as you type.

Khmer-English Dictionary by KhemaraSoft is an excellent Khmer to English translation reference.