In 2003, the US Department of Agriculture contracted with the Institute of Medicine to review the WIC Food Packages, to review the nutritional needs of the WIC population, and to recommend cost-neutral changes to the WIC food packages. The WIC food packages provide supplemental foods to meet the special nutritional needs of low-income pregnant, breastfeeding, non-breastfeeding postpartum women, infants and children up to five years of age who are at nutritional risk. All these healthy changes now allow WIC to match WIC foods with nutrition messages for healthy families! How were the new WIC-eligible foods chosen? Shopping tips are available to help families select the most economical foods with their WIC benefits. The foods for breastfeeding mothers and infants are increased as well, to promote breastfeeding as the healthiest way to feed infants. The new food selections contain less fat and cholesterol, more fiber, and fruits and vegetables year round. The WIC Nutrition Program food packages have changed in healthy ways to meet the nutrition needs of WIC mothers, infants, and children. Resources for DHHS Providers, Small Business & Nonprofits.Alcohol, Tobacco & Other Substance Misuse.

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